


The Hogan Leadership Forecast Series includes four development-focused reports. Based on Hogan’s trademark assessments, the Hogan Personality Inventory, Hogan Development Survey, and Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory, each report offers information regarding the characteristics, competencies, and values that underlie how a leader approaches work, leadership, and interaction with others in the workplace.

Learn more about Hogan Assessments


Everything DiSC® solutions help create awareness of styles and preferences of ourselves and our co-workers. Not all DiSC solutions are the same. We partner with Wiley Workplace Learning Solutions because they strive to continuously improve their workplace solutions through research and beta testing, deliver a high-quality end-user experience, and ongoing learning opportunities. Assessments can be used in a one-on-one coaching context, or in workshops with groups or intact teams.

Learn more about Everything DiSC